Seznamuji se s nástrojem Odoo
Neznám žádný ERP software a protože bych chtěl nějaký znát, zjišťoval jsem jaké open source nástroje - napsané v Pythonu - existují.
Našel jsem:
- # 40 tisíc hvězd na GitHubu
- # 20 tisíc hvězd na GitHubu
Kdybych nepotřeboval komplexní ERP, ale jen systém pro řízení zásob, nabízí se:
- (Python/Django)
- (PHP/Laravel)
Pro detailnější průzkum jsem si vybral Odoo a v tomhle zápisku už se budu věnovat jenom jemu.
Představení systému Odoo v krátké a srozumitelné prezentaci (slovensky, říjen 2024). Jsou tam příklady použití a ukázky kódu. Autor prezentace.
Dostupné varianty
Na je uvedeno:
Our business management software is available in 2 versions:
- Odoo Community (open-source)
- Odoo Enterprise (licensed)
Na jsem se dočetl:
Odoo Online or Odoo Enterprise (On-premise or is the same software.
Odoo Online
Odoo Online provides private databases which are fully managed and hosted by Odoo. It can be used for long-term production or to test Odoo thoroughly, including customizations that don’t require code.
Odoo Online is incompatible with custom modules or the Odoo App Store.
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Je to Cloud Platform
pro ty, kteří mají enterprise licence
Doporučení varianty
Uživatel codeagency na Redditu píše:
My recommendation is, go on-premise and self-control your source and update frequency. As long as you host with odoo, they control and Force this on you. When you are on your own server, you decide when and what you update.
Hostování pomocí Kubernetes
Velmi dobrá rada
Tohle doporučení the best way to learn Odoo mě zaujalo.
We are doing 20 years business with Odoo software, so I'm not speaking as a beginner.
Learn ERP and Odoo first and what it can do before you start developing. You can't develop properly if you don't know what the software is already capable of. You might end up creating stuff that already exist or is possible with one of the many powerful dev tools inside Odoo (server actions, automated actions, etc...). Don't re-invent the wheel again and be smart and efficient. Avoid customizating at all times if you don't have to = avoid technical debt for the company and problems with future migrations.
Understand business processes first. Get at least minimal knowledge as a functional consultant. I see too many developers create "stupid" useless modules because they don't understand how inventory works, or how sales works, or how accounting works, etc... they are literally duplicating stuff and functions that Odoo already does because they don't understand how it works. Or they cause problems because they don't understand how inventory and routes work.
Take a real problem or request you have with a business operation and try to create a custom module from scratch. There are many examples available on the internet from companies like Odoo Mates, Cybrosys, etc... they even published developer training modules to create modules for eg students/school/... or doctors/patients etc... and build it with Odoo.
Odoo Studio
Odoo Studio je nástroj pro základní přizpůsobení Odoo bez nutnosti programování.
Víc na
- # diskusní fórum v angličtině
- # skupina
Odoo CZ/SK Komunita
- - developer documentation
- - coding guidelines
- - doporučovaná kniha
Odoo Success Packs
Q: What do the Success Packs include?
A: The Success Packs include a package of premium services by a dedicated consultant. During the implementation phase, you will have an Odoo Project Manager assigned to you to analyze your requirements and configure your Odoo Apps according to your needs.
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Nespokojený uživatel navrhuje alternativy (duben 2020):
This was the result of our latest evaluation. We have evaluated 76 criteria (these are the points in the first line). We also worked productively with Odoo for about 1.5 years and then switched to @erpnext.
No, we tried it for 1.5 years with Odoo CE. The features are artificially limited in every module and elementary things like Updater or Studio are completely missing. Odoo CE is not comparable to Systems like ERPNext, Axelor, Weclapp. Only Odoo EE is.
Odoo v ČR/SR
Odborníci na Odoo v ČR
- z Systee s.r.o.
- z 26HOUSE s.r.o.
- z Qest technologies s.r.o.
Příklad modulu pro Odoo
- - Bakalářská práce zaměřená na vývoj modulu pro Odoo 14
Prvý Slovenský Odoo Cloud
- - doporučení z FB skupiny
Odoo CZ/SK Komunita
V době psaní zápisku zrovna na jejich webu svítilo:
Pre neohlásenú údržbu v datacentre sú služby Tresk.SK nedostupné! Za nepríjemnosti sa ospravedlňujeme.
Článek a diskuze na Rootu
Padlo v diskuzi
Já jsem před lety od Odoo utekl. Myslím že poslední verzi jsem provozoval 10. Pak v nové komunitní verzi zmizely některé vlastnosti do placené verze a bylo to. Zakotvil jsem u ErpNext, používám na výrobu, sklady a psaní faktur.